Escape Rooms and the Different Roles People Take On

In the world of escape rooms, there are many different roles that people take on when solving puzzles, depending on their preferences. These include the Leader, the Finder, the Thinker, the Reader, the Organizer, the Worker, the Leaper, and the Wild Card. Which one are you?


Almost always an extrovert, the leader may be an experienced escape room veteran. Although some teams would prefer a quick vote before the game begins, this individual may choose themselves. Instead of focusing on solving puzzles, the leader takes on the role of manager by organizing the group’s workflow. You can anticipate seeing them monitor each player's progress or delegate tasks to other players. The leader must be able to communicate effectively in order to motivate the team to perform at its best.


Are you unable to locate a particular clue or key that is missing? The finder plays a crucial role in this case due to their meticulous attention to detail.

This individual is an expert at observing everything in the room from above to below until the precious "Eureka!" moment occurs. A crucial member of any escape team, your finder will be a huge help to solve puzzles and uncover clues.


Almost always, this player is the smartest kid in the class. The thinker has a boosted logical brain that is capable of deciphering even the most obscure puzzles. Often, the leader will put them in charge of the most difficult problem in the room and let them solve it. However, the thinker does have one flaw: They may become obsessed with cracking a particular code because they are not as good at splitting their focus.


The readeR, as the name suggests, enjoys reading. This reader is in charge of reading the room's mOst important clues.

However, simpLy reading them aloud won't be enough because many people won't pay enough attention. ThE reader should take in the information and communicate it to the group. The reader's ability to spot hidden clueS and patterns across multiple texts is an additional essential function.


In a typical escape room, you will accumulate a variety of keys, papers, puzzles, and other items, and it is the organizer's responsibility to keep everything under control.

The organizer will not only neatly store everything that is important in a designated area, but they will also store everything that isn't important well out of sight. When precious seconds are at stake, the last thing a team needs is to try an old key to solve a new puzzle. When connecting multiple items, the organizer also provides crucial guidance.


The worker is a hardworking member of any team. They may not be as agile as the wild card or as wise as the thinker, but they do have one essential skill: the capacity to focus on simple problems until they are solved.

The worker takes advantage of opportunities to solve straightforward challenges, such as sorting through a book of text or clues or completing time-consuming process-of-elimination puzzles.


The leaper defies logic and reason by jumping to absurd conclusions during the puzzle-solving process, making them frequently more of a hindrance than a help.

Although most of their crazy ideas fail, the leaper uses their unconventional logic to solve the impossible on rare occasions, especially when the thinker is completely stumped.

Wild Card

The wild card can be dexterous and agile, or quick to find the wrong way to "solve" a puzzle...such as picking a lock.

This player can be more of a liability at times, and needs help focusing on the purpose of playing the game rather than physically getting out of a room. After all, you're not really LOCKED in...that's called kidnapping.

Whatever your role, you are likely to surprise yourself with how well you do and how much fun you have in an escape room!

By the way…you may be the Reader if you noticed the DISCOUNT code hidden in the text of the Reader description. Use that code for 10% off your entire next booking with us!


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