Educational Benefits of Escape Rooms

Escape rooms are anything but a mindless activity. They require lots of problem-solving skills, patience, and a willingness to try new things. There are many educational benefits of escape rooms, especially for students (and grown-ups, too!)

Here are several of the top educational benefits of participating in escape rooms and why you should consider them the next time you’re in search of a fun yet educational activity.

  1. Promotes creativity: Escape rooms promote creativity by encouraging you to look at puzzles in unique ways in order to solve them. This can be a positive educational benefit because many areas of study require creativity, such as English and mathematics, among others.

  2. Promotes problem-solving skills: You have to build problem-solving skills in order to escape an escape room. This translates over into other aspects of life. For instance, Children and adults use problem solving skills in every-day situations such as: conflict resolution, solving equations in math class, how to appropriately talk to individuals in social settings, research for a paper and so much more! Escape rooms can help grow this ability to problem-solve.

  3. Promotes focus: You have to focus on the puzzles in front of you in order to meet your goal of escaping the escape room. This sense of focus is relevant to education because education is all about focusing on a common goal: Learning! Improved focus is certainly a positive outcome of participating in escape rooms.

  4. Promotes teamwork: The whole point of an escape room is to work together as a team to solve the puzzles necessary to get out of the escape room. This is a great educational benefit for all ages, as practicing teamwork is not only important in a classroom setting, but also in the workplace.

  5. Promotes setting and achieving goals: Participating in an escape room lets you set a common goal: Finding your way out of the room. You want to achieve this goal at the end of the experience. Setting goals is an important thing to learn to do, whether you are a child or an adult. This is a great benefit that escape rooms can provide.

  6. Promotes fun while learning and solving a puzzle: Ultimately, escape rooms teach us a valuable life lesson: You can have fun while using your brain and solving puzzles! This is a lesson that translates well into life: It is fun to learn new things.

The next time you’re considering a fun yet educational activity for your young ones – or maybe you’re a teacher in need of a field trip – consider taking a trip to an age-appropriate escape room. Or, maybe you’re an adult that just loves having fun while learning something along the way! Sharpen your skills by participating in an escape room yourself. After all, learning is a lifelong journey.

Be sure to check us out here at Boerne Escape Rooms if you’re in town


4 Simple Tips for Making It Out of an Escape Room


What Makes Escape Rooms So Fun?